Thursday, December 2, 2010

last painting of Art class.."Rocks"

Painting steps..

1.gesso canvas
2.painted in basic shapes with light brown.
3.went back with dark colors in shaded areas.
4.added light browns.grays..yellow combinations and shaded them into the dark edges
5.Worked on plant last by painting in samll rocks first.
6.added plant..then light areas last..for highlight.
7.added a white siver color to add small streaks for glass effect
8.last stage yet to come.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

                                             Getting closer and closer highlights will be added next week,
                                             almost done..

                      Puting some more foundation colors..getting ready to put more highlight

                      in next weeks class

Thursday, September 2, 2010

4th day of painting my still Tcc painting Art class

My painting is developing form and depth.Starting to took alot like what its supposed to.
Class is going smoothly as well.Good energy!learning some new and different ideas on applying
texture as well

Bought some canvases for 5 painting in a couple of weeks as well.